Image courtesy of Zamalek Art Gallery

Mostafa Abdel Moity

Egypt (b.1938)

Mostafa Abdel Moity obtained his degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Alexandria in 1962. After graduating, he began teaching and continues to till this day. His style developed mainly into abstract paintings and sculptures, with Abdel Moity’s signature use of harsh bold lines and blocks of color as well as shapes and geometrical patterns suggestive of outer space.

Over the years, he has held many positions including Vice President of the World Congress of Contemporary Art in Venice in 1985 and Head of the Egyptian Academy in Rome in 1988. He has had over thirty shows in Egypt, Italy, and Spain, and participated in upwards of twenty international group exhibitions. He is also one of the founders of the Experimental Group, established in 1958. He has received awards such as The Nile Award for the Arts in 2021.