Halim Karabibanne came to recognition in the 1990s due to his unusually sarcastic yet masterfully executed collages and oneric paintings. Throughout his career, Karabibanne has formally explored an alternative universe, one that is hybrid and playfully 'staged' with a whole range of mythical neo pop characters. Since 2007, Karabibanne has been pursuing a multidisciplinary performance in which he has been encouraging public authorities to inaugurate Tunisia's first National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MNAMC). With a pressure cooker as symbol and form of the future museum, Karabibanne uses social networks, events and exhibitions to effectively launch this pseudo fictional museum until it sees the light. Between 1982 and 1993, Karabibanne studied architecture and attended the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. From 1999 to 2001, he lived at the Cite Internationale des Arts of Paris.