Hoda Tawakol
Mummy N°5
Nylons, rice, resin
35 × 19 cm
Fairuz and Jean Paul Villain Private Collection

Mummy N°5, 2020

● Artist

Hoda Tawakol

Hoda Tawakol is a Franco-Egyptian artist born in London and raised primarily in Paris, now living and working in Hamburg, Germany. Her expansive practice spans hand-dyed and sewn textile pieces, mixed-media sculptures, fabric collages, installations, and works on paper. Deeply influenced by the feminist movement of the 1970s, Tawakol’s work seeks to deconstruct symbols and archetypes that hinder female agency, exploring themes of gender, bodily autonomy, and the interplay between the physical and ethereal. Her art oscillates between reality and abstraction, presence and absence, capturing the transformations and distortions of the female body across a woman’s life.

● Patron

Fairouz and Jean Paul Villain Private Collection

Philanthropist couple Fairouz and Jean Paul Villain have lived and worked in the UAE since the early 1990s. They have been active members of the arts and culture space. Mrs. Fariuz was one of the three Founding Members of the Abu Dhabi Concert Committee.